
Redheart is a unique Central / South American hardwood characterized by a reddish base color — ranging from dull to bright pink, pinkish-red or red — with streaks and highlights diverse in color, from darker red tones, to yellows, oranges and even occasional purples. Grains range from irregular to wild (although sometimes straight, also), and can often be multi-dimensional or overlapping — often to very dramatic effect, especially when vibrant secondary colors are present.
Its texture is fine and smooth, although it does not possess much natural luster. It works, turns, glues and finishes well, as would be expected with a wood of its moderate density.
Despite Redheart’s rather moderate weight, hardness and density, the wood can burn easily when resawn, if blades and cutting tools are not sharp. Such burning produces a black tar-like resin which adheres to the wood’s surface and requires patient sanding.<br><br>With its sometimes stunning aesthetic qualities, Redheart has been a popular turning wood; it is starting to appear more frequently in custom electric guitar building (necks, fretboards, etc.), also.
Not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Why We Love This Wood
Beautiful, bright red wood!
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Vital Statistics
Main Color Group | Reddish |
Grain Pattern | Pronounced |
Avg Dry Weight - LB/BF | 3.3 |
Avg Dry Weight - KG/M3 | 640 |
Janka Hardness - LBF | 1210 |
Janka Hardness - N | 5380 |
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