Palmyra – Black

Not unlike its coconut-producing cousin, Red Palm, Black Palmyra (perhaps better known as “Black Palm” in the US) is unique among exotic woods in several ways. First, it’s tree is not categorized a hardwood or softwood tree, but as a flowering plant: Monocotyledon (or “Monocot”). Secondly, the tree is comprised of two entirely different layers: at its core is a soft, spongy cellulose mass; this soft core is surrounded by a protective body, comprised of dense, overlapping layers of interwoven fibrovascular strands. It is this hard, dense protective layer that is considered its wood.
While it is considered to be typically straight grained, because of its toughness the wood can be very diificult to work; splintering and tearouts are not uncommon. It is a dimensionally stable wood, but it requires sharp blades and precise-angled cuts to get acceptable results when resawing this wood.
Not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Why We Love This Wood
Monocotyledon is a group which contains over 60,000 different species, interestingly, among them are grains (rice; wheat; corn; etc.), various forage grasses, bananas, sugar cane, asparagus, onions, garlic and other spices (such as ginger and tumeric). Known for its great toughness, strength and durability, its wood has been used for centuries in a variety of functions in the third-world settings to which it is indigenous.
Black Palm's weight and density can vary greatly, depending on growing conditions and specific location. It's a tough wood, from a robust tree -- a tree which historically has survived, and thrived, under some difficult growing conditions. Palms are known for their signature trunks, with gradually shrink in diameter, from the ground to its top.
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Vital Statistics
Main Color Group | Dark Brown |
Grain Pattern | Pronounced |
Avg Dry Weight - LB/BF | 5.1 |
Avg Dry Weight - KG/M3 | 970 |
Janka Hardness - LBF | 1850 |
Janka Hardness - N | 8200 |
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