Ebony – Amara

According to the only sources we could find willing to step up to the plate on this wood, Amara Ebony and Macassar Ebony are of the exact same species (Diospyros Celebica), with the difference put forth being that Amara is exclusive to Indonesia. Amara is known for its deep chocolate browns with pink striping; the difference in its coloration and that of typical Macassar Ebony being attributed to the soil conditions in Indonesia. Its grains are more likely to be wavy or irregular than straight, with a fine texture and nice natural luster.
Our experience yields a broader perspective, as we have found the wood sometimes with greens and reds, more similar to Malaysian Blackwood, at times with darker and more muted hues¬† and devoid of any pink shades. Pieces which more resemble Macassar have also contained gold – orange hues, in addition to pinks. It’s sap content is tan in color and, despite its density, it has good working properties.
This species is not listed in the CITES Appendices. The IUCN Red List does not even acknowledge this wood by name, although they have categorized Macassar Ebony as “Vulnerable.”
Why We Love This Wood
A number of examples feature "landscape" grain patterns, giving credence to the school of thought that perhaps the wood is some sort of Malaysian Blackwood-Macassar Ebony hybrid, or is at least worthy of its own species designation. While the wood is quite substantial, we found its density to be slightly less than that of Macassar Ebony and Malaysian Blackwood. This is a very unique exotic wood, and a species rarely seen in the US.
Client Creations
4/4 Lumber – high figure
Pre-cut Sizes
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